Monday, November 1, 2010

Case of the Mondays..... Remixed

So no photos of my food today but I wanted to relay a message. I know some of you 6 AM'ers sometimes catch the me with the "bad case of the Monday's," and I will be the first to admit that Mondays are usually a tough day. And I, for one, apologize if I have ever not been the coach I should have been! But today was surprisingly different. Today was a great day! From morning classes, to my own workout, and even now typing this blog! Great day. Thank God!
So that being said, I had a few people who had said some of those tawdry Monday comments, and being such a good day for me, it almost offended me. Not literally, but something registered in my mind.
I had a short IM conversation that had the whole "Monday" thing going on. I simply replied, " The feeling of the "Monday's" is just a matter of circumstance, don't think of it that way. It's another day to live!"
If you think of it that way, Monday's and any day that you are breathing and surrounded by people you love, is a GREAT DAY!!
I said this once today. It's Monday, the 1st of November. The beginning of a week. The beginning of a month. How are you going to live and what are you going to accomplish??.... Chew on that.
So to end this diatribe, I vow to try and bring a new meaning to Mondays. I want to enjoy Mondays, because for most of us, it is the beginning of our week (circumstance of the "American dream.") And I hold all of you who I see on Mondays, to hold me accountable!

Day 22

First I want to congratulate Jenn and Ken on the great news! ITS A BOY!!... Also another congrats to Wilem, I heard he is also having a baby boy!!

5:30am- 3 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 1 tbs of coconut oil, 1/2 avocado, 2 cups of coffee, and 1 Cutie orange. A breakfast bowl I bought at HEB on Saturday for, I think, $2.99. Awesome. But beware, not sold at all HEB's.

10:30am- Handful of self-selected trail mix from Whole Foods: Walnuts, almonds, coconut flakes, and dried cranberries. I love this mix. Its the best I've had yet. And 1 cup of Vanilla Almond Milk.

12pm- Had an awesome workout! Great job noon class. Check out Westlake CrossFit for the daily TOD (Training of the Day). 9:56 was my time on the Met Con. My Shoulder Presses need some work!

1:15pm- Mix1 Protein drink

2:30pm- Orange Plate Special from HEB: Meatloaf (sauce wiped off), you would be surprised how much is actually on there when you do that, Brussels sprouts, mashed sweet potatoes, 1/2 avocado, and 1 tbs of bacon fat. 2 cups of coffee with 1/4 cup of original almond milk. And the original is surprisingly sweet!! It good.

8pm- 10 oz bacon wrapped fillet from Whole Foods. A HUGE spinach salad with bell pepper, red cabbage, tomato, avocado, and all-natural dressing.

8:30pm- Apple with almond butter

1 comment:

  1. I was there when you made your "1st of the week, 1st of the month" challenge. Attaboy! Way to lead
