Saturdays Indian Buffet Lunch at Mayuri. (above)
It was good but I tried to stay as paleo as I could,
seeing as I did not half of what it was.

My Cobb Salad at Tailgators Saturday evening! (above)

My burrito in a bowl from Mission Burrito. (above)

Dinner this evening. It was a really good salad! (above)
Friday, October 22, Day 12:
5am- 3 eggs, 1/4 pound of sausage, 1/2 avocado, 1c almond milk, and 2 cups of coffee
12:15pm- Orange Plate Special from HEB: Pecan crusted chicken, mashed sweet potatoes with 1 tbs of bacon fat, broccoli with 1 tbs of olive oil based dressing, 1/2 avocado, 1 cutie orange, and 1/4 c of vanilla almond milk...Then it was off to Houston.
1:45- Black coffee
6:15- Fajitas for 2 at Rico's Mexican food. Combo beef and chicken, pico de gallo, 2 large scoops of guacamole, 1 paleo margarita. And I was actually kind of proud of myself here b/c I didn't eat any chips and salsa. And my 2 good friends were giving me crap. But what are friends for??
10pm- Double bacon burger from Whataburger. It is definitely not the same without the bun or cheese. But I felt fool and satisfied after that. I also had a couple pieces of pineapple.
Saturday, October 23, Day 13:
7:30am- 3 1/2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 tbs of bacon fat from cooking the bacon, and 1 tbs of butter b/c my friend had nothing else. Then 2 c of black coffee and a cutie orange.
2pm-Indian food buffet at Mayuri. The picture above was some lamb, some chicken, mixed veggies, and some kind of spinach thing. I had 2 plates. It was an interesting place. Had lunch there with a couple of Crossfittters, who owned their own box up in Longview, Crossfit Citadel. Jon, Travis, and Katie. Jon and Travis are brothers and Jon and Katie are married. Awesome family. It was truly a pleasure to meet Godly people who loved to do the same thing I did.....CrossFit!!
5pm- Chipper WOD that 7 coaches put together (including myself).
2 rounds
5 muscle ups
10 KB Swings
50' Handstand Walk (rough measurement)
10 Ankles to Bar
15 Ball slams 50#/40#
12 Pull ups
40 Double Unders
It wasn't too bad of a workout but after doing snatch and clean all day, my shoulders were shot after the "chipper". My time was 8:32. Lots of Fun! The guys from Bayou City Crossfit were good people and have a great place! Thanks for having me!!
6pm- Mix1 protein drink
7:15pm- A huge Cobb salad with mixed greens, triple avocado, extra egg, bacon, chicken, tomatoes, onion, and balsamic vinaigrette (they did not have oil and vinegar and it was the best choice they had.)
8pm- 1 cup of coffee to study for the certification
Sunday, October 24, Day 14:
7:30am- 3 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 1/2 avocado, 2 tbs of bacon fat, pineapple, 2c coffee
8am- 1 shot of espresso
1pm- I went to a place called Mission Burritos. It was pretty good. Its a lot like Chipotle. I had no tortilla. I put it in a bowl. I tripled the meat with spinach, mushroom, pico de gallo, and a double scoop of guacamole. And then an un-sweet iced tea with lemon.
4pm-I finished of the rest of my pre-cut pineapple and then headed home.
5pm- Handful of mixed nuts, Mix1 protein drink, a couple pieces of beef jerky, and 3 shots of espresso over a span of 2 hours in the car :)
8pm- 1/2 of a rotisserie chicken from whole foods, and 1 bag of steamed fresh broccoli with 1/2 avocado, and 2 tbs of olive oil.
8:30pm- Apple and almond butter
9pm- Nighty night tea with 1tbs of honey
Monday, October 25, Day 15:
5:15am- 3 hard boiled eggs with 1/4 avocado, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 cutie orange, 2 cups of coffee, and 2 tbs of vanilla almond milk.
8:15am- 2 eggs, 1 piece of bacon, a little bit of avocado from El Sazon. I really wasn't that hungry but I knew I needed to eat.
10:15am- 1 peach
2pm- Handful of trail nuts (walnuts, dried cranberries, and cacao)
5pm- Apple and almond butter
7:00pm- God has been stirring in me and is trying to tell me something, and I've been ignoring him (that is to put it plainly.) So, in doing so, I was in a "spiritual funk" and a good friend of mind told me to go for a run. And if you know me I hate to just go running. I like to run in soccer and in WOD's... Anyways, I literally got lost back in Cuerny (the neighborhood I live in) and ended up running a really good route for 40 minutes! While running, I thought of a saying a friend told me, some of y'all might know him, but he told me a few months ago, "get out of your mind, and into your body!) I have used the saying with clients before but it never really motivated me until tonight because it really let me just release some tension and just let loose. So, if any of y'all are just struggling with whatever or whomever just get into your body. Whatever it may be; run, ride, lifting weights, yoga, even just stretching with some zen music. You get the point!
7:45pm- 1/2 cup of coconut juice with lime juice
8:30pm- Spinach salad with 1/2 a rotisserie chicken, 1 small tomato, 1/2 avocado, 2 pieces of bacon, homemade dressing which was awesome! (3 tbs of bacon fat, 1tbs of olive oil, 1 tbs of pepper olive oil, 1tsp of wasabi, 1/2 of fresh squeezed cutie orange, Himalayan salt, pepper, and italian seasoning) Great Salad!!
9:30pm- apple with almond butter
11:20pm- Nighty night tea with 1 tbs of local honey
Keep up the hard work to all the people in the Evolve Challenge!
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