Sunday, July 11, 2010

Get Back On Track!!

Well, it has been awhile since I have had the luxury to sit and write a blog post. To the few followers that I had, I apologize. I hope this will make up for the lost time.....
So tomorrow, on July 12th, it will be day number 192 of 365, week 28 of 52. A little over half way through the year. Yes, half way!! It has flown by!! Now think back to the New Year........
What did you have planned out for this year? What goals had you set for yourself? What habits were you going to kick? Through the hustle and bustle of the daily grind, we sometimes become side tracked and lose focus of what we needed/wanted to do. Well, here is your reminder, your kick in the butt!! Wipe the dust off those to do lists, put back in motion your goals, get your priorities back in order! I myself am refocusing and turning a new leaf, turning the page, and whatever other cliche you can think of. I have began this refocusing with the deletion of my Facebook page!! It was tough but I know it will be worth it. I want to also read much more, learn something, become a better person and coach. So if you see me, ask what I am reading. Ask, what am I doing on my free time. Keep me honest! PLEASE!!....
Now, what are you going to do to refocus, to get back on the the track you wanted to be on?

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