Saturday, August 27, 2011

Working on the Overhead Squat!

Well I was at Westlake CrossFit and wanted to get some work in but knew I didn't want to do a metcon... So it had been awhile since I had performed overhead squats and my WOD book showed the last time I 1RM was 9/22/10 at the weight of 245... I set 2 PR's (personal records) 250 and then 260 which is shown above in the video... And something went wrong with the video but it still shows the movement.

So before I started to warm up I took 2 GoVera, some advantages of GoVera include:
1. Ribose contributes to energy production but will not elevate blood glucose levels. In fact, even gram quantities of ribose given to diabetics has been shown to help normalize blood glucose levels.
2. MCT’s also feed directly into the Krebs cycle, helping fuel exercise without stimulating insulin production or adversely affecting blood sugar levels. Think of MCT’s as rapid, easy energy. So easy that they are used in formulas for newborn babies.
3. Maca, cissus and rhodiola are longer-term bioenergetics with cumulative benefits. No other sports drink provides this extraordinary three-phase energy support. With consistent use, in other words, you get results that build to higher and higher performance levels.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Holy Stress Batman!!

As you can see stress can affect every facet of our lives. Some people proceed daily without managing their stress or stresses in a healthy manner. Are you an overly stressed person?...
I know today there is a multitude of reasons why we can be stressed: economy, work, kids, spouse, any and everything haha... But alas! We have a CHOICE on how to deal with stress. Do you look to drugs or alcohol? Is that a healthy option? Do you turn to unhealthy snacks (ding dongs, chips, cake, cookies, etc)? Does eating all that crappy food really make you feel good about yourself?

So lets take the four quadrants above and use exercise as a stress reliever. You decide you want to exercise. Exercise is great for the BODY whether it be yoga, running, weight lifting, or a mix of many such as Crossfit (a small favorite of mine). You start to notice small changes in your body because you chose to exercise. Now those small changes send positive signals to your MIND, such as endorphins (your brains feel-good neurotransmitters; also termed "runner's high"). Those endorphins induced by exercise start to affect your EMOTIONS. Those small mind and body changes start to make you feel good about yourself, you start to attack your day a little differently. You walk with a little more self confidence. You like these emotions. So you start to exercise a little more, you start to watch what you eat, you start to hang out with like minded people. You start to change your BEHAVIOR!...  I think I just heard a WOW!!

I'm not saying everyone needs to be a crossfitter. What I'm saying is try something active, doesn't matter what activity. Try something you have always said you wanted to try! And whatever you choose to do, make sure it is not viewed as a "chore" because what do chores do? They stress us out. Pick something fun and be committed!

Need a kickstart? Xtra is shown to help manage stress and increase energy. Watch below and check out my website here for a great testimonial.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What it's all about!

 This past weekend Westlake Crossfit competed in the Life as RX Tour in Dallas. To say the least, I believe this event brought the gym and the coaches closer to what Crossfit is all about..... COMMUNITY. In my opinion the weekend couldn't have gone any better. Some of our members competed alongside our coaches and really showed what they were made of. We all learned something about our abilities and what it takes to be a competitor. I could not be more proud as a coach! There is something about sharing sweat with people that brings them closer together.
If you have ever wondered if Crossfit is for you. Find a local one near you, check different ones out. All of them are unique in their own way. Find one that fits your personality. And most but not least, find what you are made of! 

A small video about Ryan and his new "box" East Dallas Crossfit

The best team around.... Westlake Crossfit!!
Savard in his new "box" East Dallas Crossfit

A little fun