The benchmark WOD of 30 Muscle Ups gave me a lesson..... Mind over matter!!! First, a muscle up is a very basic movement in the gymnastic realm and takes a lot of strength, coordination, agility, and balance. I thought I was knocking out the muscle ups pretty well and keeping good form until I hit number 14. I then had about 8 failed attempts, which took the confidence out of me and I just wanted to throw in the towel because I was mostly just embarrassed. I had never attempted this work out for the same reasons that probably my clients think when they walk in and see the WOD... FEAR and DOUBT! Then I started to put 2 together. Then 1 at a time. And fellow Crossfitters were yelling at me to finish. And as a coach I CANNOT quit because that would make me a hypocrite. So at the end of it I had a proud time of 12:22!! It was a feat I had been avoiding for months! So thank you Jesse and Jevon and the rest of the class for motivating me to knock it out. So to all of you don't avoid things because of fear. Attack it!! And you will be surprised at what you learn or relearn about yourself!!