This whole week has been a good one and yesterday was a great day for me! The W.O.D of 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Split Jerks gave me a boost of confidence with a PR of 260. Then after my workout I coached class at 6:30 pm and the energy from my workout carried into the class setting when it came time to coach the movement! I felt really comfortable after watching a couple technique videos on the main site and watching the recording 0f myself go thru the movement..... My class rocked it!! I was excited thatI was able to motivate and educate my fellow crossfitters thoroughly!! I felt like I am finally coming into my own in the Crossfit and training world!! Now I am greatly motivated and feel great about my future (not that I wasn't before) as a coach/trainer and cant wait to continue down this path!!! I dont know... Time to dive in and really become who I want to be! I can only hope that my attitude will be contageous for the loved ones around me!! So here's to the future my friends! Its in our hands!!
Do the thing and you will have the power -Ralph Waldo Emerson