Freshour Fitness
Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. -Ayn Rand
Friday, September 9, 2011
I moved to a new blog!!
Follow me at Freshour Fitness to continue getting my updates.. You can now sign up to receive an email everytime I post a blog. So check it out! Also check out the new website Essential 21/30 .
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Working on the Overhead Squat!
So before I started to warm up I took 2 GoVera, some advantages of GoVera include:
1. Ribose contributes to energy production but will not elevate blood glucose levels. In fact, even gram quantities of ribose given to diabetics has been shown to help normalize blood glucose levels.
2. MCT’s also feed directly into the Krebs cycle, helping fuel exercise without stimulating insulin production or adversely affecting blood sugar levels. Think of MCT’s as rapid, easy energy. So easy that they are used in formulas for newborn babies.
3. Maca, cissus and rhodiola are longer-term bioenergetics with cumulative benefits. No other sports drink provides this extraordinary three-phase energy support. With consistent use, in other words, you get results that build to higher and higher performance levels.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Holy Stress Batman!!
As you can see stress can affect every facet of our lives. Some people proceed daily without managing their stress or stresses in a healthy manner. Are you an overly stressed person?...
I know today there is a multitude of reasons why we can be stressed: economy, work, kids, spouse, any and everything haha... But alas! We have a CHOICE on how to deal with stress. Do you look to drugs or alcohol? Is that a healthy option? Do you turn to unhealthy snacks (ding dongs, chips, cake, cookies, etc)? Does eating all that crappy food really make you feel good about yourself?
So lets take the four quadrants above and use exercise as a stress reliever. You decide you want to exercise. Exercise is great for the BODY whether it be yoga, running, weight lifting, or a mix of many such as Crossfit (a small favorite of mine). You start to notice small changes in your body because you chose to exercise. Now those small changes send positive signals to your MIND, such as endorphins (your brains feel-good neurotransmitters; also termed "runner's high"). Those endorphins induced by exercise start to affect your EMOTIONS. Those small mind and body changes start to make you feel good about yourself, you start to attack your day a little differently. You walk with a little more self confidence. You like these emotions. So you start to exercise a little more, you start to watch what you eat, you start to hang out with like minded people. You start to change your BEHAVIOR!... I think I just heard a WOW!!
I'm not saying everyone needs to be a crossfitter. What I'm saying is try something active, doesn't matter what activity. Try something you have always said you wanted to try! And whatever you choose to do, make sure it is not viewed as a "chore" because what do chores do? They stress us out. Pick something fun and be committed!
Need a kickstart? Xtra is shown to help manage stress and increase energy. Watch below and check out my website here for a great testimonial.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
What it's all about!
This past weekend Westlake Crossfit competed in the Life as RX Tour in Dallas. To say the least, I believe this event brought the gym and the coaches closer to what Crossfit is all about..... COMMUNITY. In my opinion the weekend couldn't have gone any better. Some of our members competed alongside our coaches and really showed what they were made of. We all learned something about our abilities and what it takes to be a competitor. I could not be more proud as a coach! There is something about sharing sweat with people that brings them closer together.
If you have ever wondered if Crossfit is for you. Find a local one near you, check different ones out. All of them are unique in their own way. Find one that fits your personality. And most but not least, find what you are made of!
If you have ever wondered if Crossfit is for you. Find a local one near you, check different ones out. All of them are unique in their own way. Find one that fits your personality. And most but not least, find what you are made of!
A small video about Ryan and his new "box" East Dallas Crossfit
The best team around.... Westlake Crossfit!!
Savard in his new "box" East Dallas Crossfit |
A little fun |
Sunday, August 7, 2011
What you might know but dont think about
So I was doing a facebook news feed scan and came across an article a fellow crossfit gym posted (Crossfit Solus). So I wanted to share this information because the way it is presented is very simple yet clear. I strongly recommend reading and sharing.
I was reading a statistic in a nutrition book recently, and this is going to shock you...
Now before I tell you the statistic, let's keep an important fact in mind... according to well renowned nutrition author Michael Pollan, and his amazing book called In Defense of Food, humankind has historically consumed approximately 80,000 different species of edible plants, animals, and fungi, and approximately 3,000 of those have been widespread foods of the human diet.
Now get ready for a shocking and appalling statistic... Click to read more!
I was reading a statistic in a nutrition book recently, and this is going to shock you...
Now before I tell you the statistic, let's keep an important fact in mind... according to well renowned nutrition author Michael Pollan, and his amazing book called In Defense of Food, humankind has historically consumed approximately 80,000 different species of edible plants, animals, and fungi, and approximately 3,000 of those have been widespread foods of the human diet.
Now get ready for a shocking and appalling statistic... Click to read more!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Can you lose fat in a certain area?

NO!!! Many people ask or communicate that they want to lose weight in a certain area of their body, i.e. doing sit ups to get a six pack. Not going to work. You must change your lifestyle, incorporate a functional exercise program, build muscle, and eat a healthy array of whole foods which decrease an inflammatory response in your body (Paleo diet, Whole 30 diet, or Primal diet.)
And I must add that, I myself, am not keen on the word "diet". That word makes me want to run from the person trying to coerce me to do it. Yes, even as a trainer and nutritional counselor, am afraid of restrictions. :) But I have learned the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and have restricted myself to break bad habits and create new ones. A must for everyone who wants to take control to live and look healthier.
Eating for a positive outcome is a lifestyle and a choice. You have to accept and attack the change you want in your life.....
So here is a great article explaining where the fat goes. From CNN.
"When you're losing weight, where does the fat go?
(CNN) -- Multiple chins, bulging tummies and flabby arms: It's easy to see where fat accumulates on the body.
When a person starts losing weight, where does the fat go? And what parts of the body can you expect to see results?
Headlines from fitness magazines promise exercises to blast away belly fat and activities to spot-reduce flab. The scientific evidence, unfortunately, doesn't back those sexy headlines.
Here are three things to know about weight-loss and body fat.
You can't change your shape, just your size.
You can't cherry-pick where you shed fat; weight loss doesn't work like a point-and-shoot.
MRIs, CT scans and dexa scans, which use X-ray beams to measure body composition, show no evidence for spot reduction.
"Basically, when we lose weight, we lose weight all over in exactly the proportion that's distributed throughout our body," said Susan Fried, director of the Boston Obesity and Nutrition Research Center at the Boston University School of Medicine.
A pear-shaped woman who loses weight will remain a pear, just a daintier one, say researchers who specialize in body fat. More women tend to be pear-shaped, with fat around their hips and thighs. Men tend to be apple-shaped, because they have fat that accumulates around their waist.
"People come in with unrealistic expectations from magazines and spot-reducing," said Gary Foster, director of Temple University's Center for Obesity Research and Education. "That doesn't happen. When you start to lose fat, it's proportionate throughout your body, whether it's your neck, waist, ankle circumference. You'll come out smaller but have the same body shape."
For most people, the problem is their weight, not their body shape, Foster said. Whether you're a pear or apple may be determined by genetics or hormones.
Not all body fat is created equal.
Men tend to be apple-shaped and carry more belly fat, known as visceral fat. This is a dangerous type of fat because it surrounds abdominal organs and is metabolically active. Essentially, it disturbs the regular mechanisms in your body.
The fat cells release biochemicals that lead to inflammation, which could lead to heart attacks, strokes and joint and muscle pain. This accumulates in the liver, said Dr. Robin Blackstone, surgeon and medical director of Scottsdale Healthcare Bariatric Center in Arizona.
"Fat is basically a store of energy," she said. "When you need energy, you break down the fat. That breaks down into a component called free fatty acid and goes into the liver for energy. When you have a lot of excess fat, it generates so much free fatty acid, the liver can't handle it, so it stores it."
That triggers a host of problems including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and diabetes.
"Belly fat is much more harmful than the so-called big butt," Foster said.
The fat in the hips causes much alarm because that part of the body is highly visible. Called subcutaneous fat, the masses of this fat may be unsightly, but scientists believe they're not as dangerous as internal abdominal fat.
Where does the fat go?
Fat cells expand when people consume more energy than they can burn. During weight loss, the cells shrink.
"The fat is a very specialized cell, and it takes basically the fat we eat and it stores it in form of triglycerides," said Fried, who researches how fat is deposited. "It's doing that for the purpose of releasing it when other parts of the body need it."
Humans carry about 10 billion to 30 billion fat cells. People who are obese can have up to 100 billion.
"If anyone of us overeats long and hard enough, we can increase the number of fat cells in our body," Fried said. "When we lose weight, we don't lose the number of fat cells." The size of the cells shrinks, but the capacity to expand is always there. Liposuction can remove fat cells, but this procedure is ideally for people who are not obese. "The fat cells are actually being removed," said Tony Youn, a plastic surgeon who performs liposuctions. "It doesn't mean that fat cells that remain can't get bigger." Despite the extraction of fat cells, the ones remaining can always get bigger or smaller depending on a person's diet and fitness."
"When you're losing weight, where does the fat go?
(CNN) -- Multiple chins, bulging tummies and flabby arms: It's easy to see where fat accumulates on the body.
When a person starts losing weight, where does the fat go? And what parts of the body can you expect to see results?
Headlines from fitness magazines promise exercises to blast away belly fat and activities to spot-reduce flab. The scientific evidence, unfortunately, doesn't back those sexy headlines.
Here are three things to know about weight-loss and body fat.
You can't change your shape, just your size.
You can't cherry-pick where you shed fat; weight loss doesn't work like a point-and-shoot.
MRIs, CT scans and dexa scans, which use X-ray beams to measure body composition, show no evidence for spot reduction.
"Basically, when we lose weight, we lose weight all over in exactly the proportion that's distributed throughout our body," said Susan Fried, director of the Boston Obesity and Nutrition Research Center at the Boston University School of Medicine.
A pear-shaped woman who loses weight will remain a pear, just a daintier one, say researchers who specialize in body fat. More women tend to be pear-shaped, with fat around their hips and thighs. Men tend to be apple-shaped, because they have fat that accumulates around their waist.
"People come in with unrealistic expectations from magazines and spot-reducing," said Gary Foster, director of Temple University's Center for Obesity Research and Education. "That doesn't happen. When you start to lose fat, it's proportionate throughout your body, whether it's your neck, waist, ankle circumference. You'll come out smaller but have the same body shape."
For most people, the problem is their weight, not their body shape, Foster said. Whether you're a pear or apple may be determined by genetics or hormones.
Not all body fat is created equal.
Men tend to be apple-shaped and carry more belly fat, known as visceral fat. This is a dangerous type of fat because it surrounds abdominal organs and is metabolically active. Essentially, it disturbs the regular mechanisms in your body.
The fat cells release biochemicals that lead to inflammation, which could lead to heart attacks, strokes and joint and muscle pain. This accumulates in the liver, said Dr. Robin Blackstone, surgeon and medical director of Scottsdale Healthcare Bariatric Center in Arizona.
"Fat is basically a store of energy," she said. "When you need energy, you break down the fat. That breaks down into a component called free fatty acid and goes into the liver for energy. When you have a lot of excess fat, it generates so much free fatty acid, the liver can't handle it, so it stores it."
That triggers a host of problems including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and diabetes.
"Belly fat is much more harmful than the so-called big butt," Foster said.
The fat in the hips causes much alarm because that part of the body is highly visible. Called subcutaneous fat, the masses of this fat may be unsightly, but scientists believe they're not as dangerous as internal abdominal fat.
Where does the fat go?
Fat cells expand when people consume more energy than they can burn. During weight loss, the cells shrink.
"The fat is a very specialized cell, and it takes basically the fat we eat and it stores it in form of triglycerides," said Fried, who researches how fat is deposited. "It's doing that for the purpose of releasing it when other parts of the body need it."
Humans carry about 10 billion to 30 billion fat cells. People who are obese can have up to 100 billion.
"If anyone of us overeats long and hard enough, we can increase the number of fat cells in our body," Fried said. "When we lose weight, we don't lose the number of fat cells." The size of the cells shrinks, but the capacity to expand is always there. Liposuction can remove fat cells, but this procedure is ideally for people who are not obese. "The fat cells are actually being removed," said Tony Youn, a plastic surgeon who performs liposuctions. "It doesn't mean that fat cells that remain can't get bigger." Despite the extraction of fat cells, the ones remaining can always get bigger or smaller depending on a person's diet and fitness."
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Feel better. Recover Faster.
John is a member at Westlake CrossFit and usually attends 5 days a week. Here is what he has to say about Xtra and what it has done for him.
"I am amazed by the results I have gotten from taking Xtra. After 2 weeks, I had noticeable more energy, especially in the afternoon. I would describe the energy as a calm sustained energy with no anxiety or hyperactivity. Xtra has allowed me to be more efficient and focused at work, allowing me to accomplish my daily tasks in a fraction of the time. The best part about Xtra is that it has significantly increased my body’s ability to recover from intense physical training. It was getting to the point that after my crossfit workouts, I was waking up, getting out of bed hunched over in pain walking like Ozzy Osbourne. After a couple of weeks, I woke up one morning realizing that I was no longer feeling like I was the loser of a UFC fight. Another interesting thing is that I noticed that minor cuts and scrapes were healing a lot quicker too."

Here is a link to a video that can give you a little more info on what Xtra can do for you. Or read below.
Upgraded with Ashwagandha! Advanced Cell Renewal
All the things we enjoy in life are compromised by inadequate repair or excessive damage, and you are left to live with the degenerative effects it produces. Xtra™ is an advanced cell renewal formula which will help you to renew and restore your cells to function at their optimal levels.
It is a scientifically formulated nutritional and active-botanical supplement that promotes vital energy, supports mental clarity and focus, helps manage stress, and promotes joint comfort and flexibility. While taking Xtra™ you will feel an increased sense of energy and vitality.*
• Promotes Vital Energy: Contains bioenergetics to optimize cellular energy production.*
• Supports Mental Clarity and Focus: Provides powerful antioxidant protection to positively impact overall brain function and sharpness.*
• Helps Manage Stress: Includes ingredients to relax and empower the brain to face the demands of everyday life.*
• Promotes Joint Comfort and Flexibility: Scientifically formulated with Protectin™ to dramatically improve joint comfort and mobility.*
If you would like to give Xtra a try here is the link to purchase
"I am amazed by the results I have gotten from taking Xtra. After 2 weeks, I had noticeable more energy, especially in the afternoon. I would describe the energy as a calm sustained energy with no anxiety or hyperactivity. Xtra has allowed me to be more efficient and focused at work, allowing me to accomplish my daily tasks in a fraction of the time. The best part about Xtra is that it has significantly increased my body’s ability to recover from intense physical training. It was getting to the point that after my crossfit workouts, I was waking up, getting out of bed hunched over in pain walking like Ozzy Osbourne. After a couple of weeks, I woke up one morning realizing that I was no longer feeling like I was the loser of a UFC fight. Another interesting thing is that I noticed that minor cuts and scrapes were healing a lot quicker too."

Here is a link to a video that can give you a little more info on what Xtra can do for you. Or read below.
Upgraded with Ashwagandha! Advanced Cell Renewal
All the things we enjoy in life are compromised by inadequate repair or excessive damage, and you are left to live with the degenerative effects it produces. Xtra™ is an advanced cell renewal formula which will help you to renew and restore your cells to function at their optimal levels.
It is a scientifically formulated nutritional and active-botanical supplement that promotes vital energy, supports mental clarity and focus, helps manage stress, and promotes joint comfort and flexibility. While taking Xtra™ you will feel an increased sense of energy and vitality.*
• Promotes Vital Energy: Contains bioenergetics to optimize cellular energy production.*
• Supports Mental Clarity and Focus: Provides powerful antioxidant protection to positively impact overall brain function and sharpness.*
• Helps Manage Stress: Includes ingredients to relax and empower the brain to face the demands of everyday life.*
• Promotes Joint Comfort and Flexibility: Scientifically formulated with Protectin™ to dramatically improve joint comfort and mobility.*
If you would like to give Xtra a try here is the link to purchase
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