Thursday, July 30, 2009

Whats stressing you??

So have you thought about what stresses you out? Have you taken the necessary steps to minimize the factors that bring about stress?.... Stress comes in many forms throughout our daily lives and never ceases. But can be controlled if dealt with  properly. I read "stress is in the eye of the beholder".... I know, I know. What kind of mumbojumbo is that? Well think about it! How do you wake up in the morning? Do you wake up and say,"its going to be a GREAT day,"? Or do you wake up and say," damn it I don't want to go to work today."  
If you can analyse things in the right perspective, you can come to a conclusion that your opinion alone made you feel the stress. So try not to let stress control your attitude, motivation, relationships, goals, and etc.  There is a positive way to deal with everything, it just depends on how resilient you are, how well you can communicate with yourself and others. Try and find what calms and relaxes you. Examples of productive coping methods:exercising, reading, silence, meditating, being around friends, or vacation. Examples of destructive coping methods: eating or gorging,  consuming alcohol in excessive amounts, narcotics, oversleeping, etc.  So my best advice is to control your life and don't let your life run you into the ground. So have a GREAT day!

Friday, July 17, 2009


"Mind is what your brain does consciously. Our minds perform a series of information processing in order to form strategies needed to live our daily lives. This process is known as decision making."

"Somewhere along the line of development we discover what we really are, and then we make our real decision for which we are responsible. Make that decision primarily for yourself because you can never really live anyone else's life."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt 

I found the above quotes and the excerpt below and thought it was very deep and important to keep yourself educated beyond what people are just telling you: "The total effect of the culture and industry is one of anti-enlightenment that is the progressive technical domination of nature, becomes mass deception and is turned into a means for fettering consciousness. It impedes the development of autonomous, independent individuals who judge and decide consciously for themselves."  

How do you base your decision making? Is it based on how people will perceive you? Is it based on what goals you have set for yourself/family or loved ones? Decisions are an everyday part of life and must be made in a successful one. The inability to not make decisions is, to me, forfeiting your life and can lead to a unhappy state of mind!  Do not get me wrong. I myself have made poor decisions and in some cases still paying for them. So now it is time to make decisions that will start paying me in the near future! Now I challenge you to start setting goals and start making the necessary decisions to obtain them. And remember DO NOT let the idea of what people think about you cloud your decision making. Explore the path that you want to go down!!