This past weekend I competed in the Crossfit Challenge Finals at Crossfit Central and had a high hope of finishing in the top 2 spots. I had done almost everything right to prepare for this "battle" from sleep, diet, and programming of my workout. In the previous challenge, pushing myself seemed to be my weakness because I didnt want to reach that breaking point. So that is what I worked on, pushing myself, perseverance.
I killed the first workout of the finals, heading into the next workout with about a 45 second cushion and feeling very confident!...
During that second workout I was going fairly strong until my body basically gave out on me, my body was telling me that I was done. Though the thought of getting a DNF (did not finish) almost sounded great to me at one point during the second workout.... But I had GREAT support, and I could not let them down....Now think about that, everything within me was telling me to quit, I had reached my breaking point. Never in all of my training over the years did I EVER just want to say "Im done!!!"..... But I didnt quit, on the last segment of the workout, which was a 5oo meter row, I was not there but my body was moving... And I have never been SO exhausted. But I even had other competitors I was competeing against along with my friends, pushing me, telling me I was almost finished!...
At the end of the workout, I was embarassed, pissed, and discouraged to know that I had blown my chance at the top 2 spots! But once I calmed down and had some positive words spoken to me, I came to realize that I accomplished something astronomical (to me). To be able to reach a point where you want to quit, reaching your "breaking point," and still can persist and move on to finish, is a feat within itself! After it was all said and done, that morning was a humbling endeavor that has given me a new light on crossfit that has ignited an insatiable fire within me so I can take it to the next level of training!!
Have you tested your breaking point? I challenge you to find what you're made of! You might be surprised of what you may find!